The Promise Part 2

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Yesterday I asked what does God’s promise or Jesus’s promise mean to you?
Here my answer:

If you had asked me as a child about the promise of a God.  I would have thought of the promise of the rainbow God’s gave to Noah.  At the time it just meant I would not have to worry about drowning from a world wide flood. 

I didn’t understand about Jesus.  I knew He love me because the Bible and my Mama told me so, but what that really meant I had no clue.

Now I’m older and a little bit wiser (and researching my Bible), God’s promise means three things to me.
1. He will never leave my side in the good or the bad times of my life.
2. The other Counselor, the Spirit of truth, also known as the Holy Spirit, that Jesus tell about in John 14:16-17 lives in me.
3. Because I follow Christ there’s more life with Him after death.

If you didn’t get the chance yesterday to answer the question what does God’s promise or Jesus’s promise mean to you, please post your answer in the comment or you have a question or more to add to my post feel free to also leave an comment.

The Promise


This morning at our Wednesday’s prayer group, the song “Shout To The Lord” sung by Lou Fellingham played during “praising God” time. The line “Nothing compares to the promise I have in You” stood out to me.  I wondered what promise is she sing about?

I wondered that every time I heard about Jesus’s or God’s promise. What are they talking about?

So I asks you what does God’s promise or Jesus’s promise mean to you?
I’m going to give it some thoughts and check the Bible.  Will post my answer tomorrow.

Wake Up and be Bold for Jesus

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What would happen if we were bold for Jesus Christ?

Like Luke, the only one to write about what happened in the lives of the Apostles after the gospels.


Paul who dared to write letters to the gentiles (people like me and maybe you), and declare that living in the Spirit and following Jesus greater than the “law” he grew up under as a Jew.


The 12 apostles who faced death or worse, and most of them lost their lives so that we may call ourselves Christians, two thousands years later. 

One night when I couldn’t sleep God lead me to this verse.  I finished reading Roman earlier that day. When I couldn’t sleep I kept hearing a soft voice says “what’s the verse you read about slumber?”

“And do this understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now then when we first believed.” Romans 13:11

I think Paul is telling the Romans and us that we need to be bold for Jesus Christ, to wake up from our busy lives and act on our passion for Christ. He dares us to tell others what Christ has done for us. 

Jesus said “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”

Now I say I dare you and me to reach out and declare it.